Enough to live all in a shifted world. It suffices to study attentively a terrestrial globe to state :
| The Greenwich meridian is not the Prime Meridian, even though, it is the sexagesimal one.
| The true Prime Meridian - the hexadecimal one - traverses the city center of Florence at 11° 15' East of Greenwich.
| Twice sixteen hexadecimal meridians are spaned from pole to pole ; one of these crosses Greenwich Observatory.
| The actual western hemisphere ranges from Florence meridian, via Ecuador, to Fairway Rock in Bering Strait, cf. map and photo,
| like the eastern world extends from Gabon (also at 11° 15' East of Greenwich) over Sumatra to Fairway Rock.
| The meridian plus and minus sixteen hexadecimal degrees at 168° 45' West of Greenwich marks East-West.
| Cf. – par example – this map at http://www.mapquest.com. By zooming in, one even sees the small island.
| Since 1989, a new superior hexadecimal metric system exists. It was elaborated by Michael Florencetime.
| The seven base units of this now proposed hexadecimal metric system include a hexadecimal time format.
Please also see http://www.hexadecimal.free.fr which shows an animated hexadecimal Earth grid in four GIFs, changing all 675 / 64 seconds.
| User note: With rare exceptions - like for example the geographical places here at this page - blue formated words not-underlined refer to Wikipedia.
| Other external links are blue formated, underlined and preceeded by http://. All the internal links within this site are generally also blue and underlined.